Norfolk and Western Headend Cars


This set is for Norfolk and Western’s Headend Cars including Class BMg 10-13, BMh 14-18, M1 90-98, BEj 110-124, BEk 125-134, BMj 330-334, and MS1400-1424. All lettering and car numbers are included

Lettering for Norfolk and Western’s Power Cars, and Electric Power Car is included.

Lettering for the Air Brake Instruction Car, and Safety Instruction Car is included but you will need the Norfolk and Western from our HO123, O123 or N123 set to complete these cars.

Roanoke Chapter, NRHS owns N&W 1407 and lettering is included for their reporting marks. This was N&W 611’s Tool car for many excursion years.

HO128 - $8.99 N Scale Expected in Late June

O Scale Expected in late June